Scavenger hunt with QR code "the old village"
Interactive scavenger hunt with your smartphone.
Scavenger hunt with QR code “The old village”
Interactive scavenger hunt with your smartphone. Exciting puzzles, instructive questions and fun tasks await you in the Actionbound rally "The old village". On the "The old village" rally, you follow in the footsteps of the oldest village in the Kleinwalsertal - Mittelberg. There is so much to discover here! Solve the tasks and puzzles between the Hotel Alpenrose and Baad. A refreshing surprise awaits you at the end.
What you need for the interactive scavenger hunt: Smartphone, free app "Actionbound", FreeWifi Kleinwalsertal (Walserhaus square) and the "Start - QR-Code", which you can get from Kleinwalsertal Tourismus in the Walserhaus or at the office of the "Offene Jugendarbeit Kleinwalsertal", in the Walserstraße 260, 6992 Hirschegg.
Organizer: Offene Jugendarbeit Kleinwalsertal, Mobile: +43 664 88910100,
Target Audience: Teenagers aged 11-15;
Duration: 90-120 minutes;
Requirement: Smartphone, WLAN to load Bound, then no longer necessary;
Route: Mittelberg Alpenrose bus stop - Dorf - Moosstraße - Stützeweg - Jörihalde - Bödmen - Gemstelweg - Baad.
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