From Skis to a Snowboard
The Experiment Snowboard Course with ex-champion Gotthard – one board, two rookies, one insight.
The Experiment Snowboard Course with ex-champion Gotthard – one board, two rookies, one insight.
Gotthard grabs me by the arm and walks in front of me. He reaches out his hands to me which I hold tightly like a castaway holding onto a lifebuoy. There is an age gap of more than 45 years between us. Gotthard has lived abroad for longer than me. He would completely outpace me on a ski tour. He now throws around words such as ‘backside’ and ‘frontside’ whilst I roll around on the slope like a beetle on its back.
Whilst the two of them generally slide down the small slopes in a more or less elegant fashion, I sit at the top in the snow and look thoughtfully behind me. I am a little bit frustrated. No piste is too steep for me when I am on two skis. Am I afraid of falling over? Certainly not! After almost 30 years’ experience of dealing with the white stuff and having conquered a great many kilometres of pistes, this tiny slope had actually brought me to my knees. I find myself looking down on the Kinderland children’s area .
Shall I just lie here in the snow? No, this is not the answer! The snow is actually pretty wet today so I decide to get up again. Just as we start to brush off the snow, Gotthard announces that we are now going to change at the Moos lift. Our scepticism is written plainly all over our faces, ‘How on earth are we supposed to get on the lift?’ However, nothing ventured, nothing gained ... and if our extremely experienced teacher thinks we can manage it, then we need to trust his judgement. He reserves the right to make the decisions. We both manage to shakily make our way to the top and try to outshine the four year olds from the children’s ski class.
The euphoria of the previous day as we carved our way through the soft snow like knives through butter is still fresh in our minds. However, carving our way through the snow is out of the question now. When a wee nipper asks me whether I want any help, my motivation has nearly completely disappeared. We want to hang up our boots and walk away, however, we decide not to give up straight away. Our sense of determination has been awoken ... another one to two additional days on a course led by Gotthard means nothing now stands in the way of our careers as snowboarders. Mind you, this will only be our second career! Skis are very likely to remain well and truly in place.

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