Kläranlage Riezlern | © Gemeinde MittelbergKläranlage Riezlern | © Gemeinde Mittelberg

Sewage treatment plants

On the two sewage treatment plants in Riezlern and Mittelberg about 750,000 m³ are cleaned each year. The degree of connection of objects to the community sewage system in Kleinwalsertal is more than 93%.

Among other things, objects in an exposed position such as e.g. the mountain station of Kanzelwand and Walmendingerhornbahn and the Schwarzwasserhütte connected to the community canal.
The public canal (without house connections), for which the municipality of Mittelberg is responsible, has a length of over 45 kilometers.


Kläranlage Riezlern
Engelbert-Kessler-Strasse 36
6991 Riezlern
Phone +43 5517 5292