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Holiday Profile & My Kleinwalsertal Club

From now on you will be rewarded for every online booking on kleinwalsertal.com! How it works? Simply create a holiday profile and book an accommodation, an experience or an adventure online - that is how you can collect Edelweiss and receive exclusive prizes ... Find out more about the advantages of a holiday profile!

My Kleinwalsertal Club: Don't just stay a Holidayer - Become a Friend!

Did you find your accommodation or are you interested in one of our adventures or offers? Book it online! Kleinwalsertal Club, will reward you for your loyalty - and you will rise from a holidayer to a friend. Once you've collected enough edelweiss for the next level, you'll have a memorable experience - for free!


Search & Book your accommodation online:

1 to 3 nights: 2 Edelweiß 
4 nights: 3 Edelweiß 
from 4 nights: 4 Edelweiß 

Or book one of the adventures in out Travelshop:

Adventure: 1 Edelweiß 
Top Event: 1 Edelweiß
Ski Course: 1 Edelweiß 
Ski- & Board rental: 1 Edelweiß