7 reasons why mountain holidays is better than any beach holiday
Of course, the sparkling sea, palm trees and beaches have its charms. But actually the mountains have a lot more to offer than the blue ocean - do you know why?
1. No risk of swallowing salt water while swimming.
2. The hangover from the nut spirit is only half as bad as that from sangria.
3. Not even the Gelateria italiana can cope with Walser ice cream from fresh alpine farmers’ milk!
4. No sand toys? No problem! In the mountains, it only takes you and nature!
5. Sand is monochrome. The mountain meadows, on the other hand, blossom in so many colors that counting is barely possible.
6. Ever felt the thrill of the last orange buoy? Then it is now at 2,000 meters!
7. Do not be afraid of jellyfish & scorpions - our wildlife lives wild but does not bite (usually)!
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