Challenge Accepted!? The Walser UltraTrail
Lukas Rinner follows the course of the Walser Ultramarathon ... 65 kilometres and 4,200 metres in altitude on the finest trails in Kleinwalsertal constantly accompanied by breathtaking panoramic views.
The trail once again climbs uphill from the Inneren Kuhgehren Alp to the Kuhgehrenscharte. Once you have arrived there, it is time to head towards the Kanzelwand summit station. Now you need to grit your teeth again ... as believe it or not ... these are the final metres of altitude left to climb. You then continue on to the Speichersee and then through the Kanonrohr. (By the way: Just one part of the Kanzelwand mountain run to go and when you first spot it, you will know for sure that the only way to go now is downhill!) The feeling of joy increases by the minute as the finishing line moves ever closer. You then run past the final alp – the Riezler Alp. You are once again treated to a superb view before the final steep downhill stretch. Take care and once again give your all. (The downhill section remains a surprise!). You leave the steep trail and run along a gravel road into Riezlern and to the finishing line
I made it! This is the Walser Trail Challenge. Why not get involved – either as a participant or as a spectator?
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