Follow the Course of Life
Discover the lifeblood of water in one of the eight Walser Omgang paths - episode of the course of life.
Can you already imagine what will await you there? If you are anything like me a few weeks ago the answer will be a resounding no. I deliberated, then decided to simply take out my map and head off. However, I didn’t want to make it too easy for myself even though the Follow the Course of Life (Folge dem Lauf des Lebens) trail is described as a revitalising hike.
My first thoughts led me to think about revitalisation – relaxation – recharging your batteries, however, these had nothing much to do with knowledge.
I referred to the homepage of the local tourist information association and looked for information on this route. I found plenty of information and much more straight away under the topic of revitalising hiking routes. Daniela Schwendiger offers her services as a guide for the tour that I had previously arranged. A guided tour though the valley? I can understand why this might be necessary over difficult terrain, but on a revitalising hike?
Ok, I say to myself, perhaps I shouldn’t be too judgemental and I shouldn’t knock it before I try it. I am able to book it straight away online without the need for too much unnecessary admin.
Along the route, we repeatedly stop off for a short while at special places of interest. Daniela tells us interesting facts about the origins and special features of the local flora and fauna. I thought I was relatively well-versed in such things, however, I was still able to learn plenty more. For example, did you know that radiolarit can be found in Gemsteltal and that this type of sedimentary rock used to be used to make tools due to its toughness?
We finally stopped off for some refreshments at the cosy Waldhaus where I tucked into a hearty snack. It was exciting to discover how my fellow hikers on the tour had experienced the hike.
Overall conclusion: spending time recharging your batteries on a guided tour in the valley is definitely not boring. I found that it made me consciously relax and I was able to take in new experiences.
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