Fun and Frolics in the Snow – Top 5 Winter Hikes for Families
Making snow angels, throwing snowballs and as a reward for puffing and panting your way up the mountainside, whizzing down the slopes at top speed – we all have these sorts of images in our heads when we think back to snowy days of our childhood.
Making snow angels, throwing snowballs and as a reward for puffing and panting your way up the mountainside, whizzing down the slopes at top speed – we all have these sorts of images in our heads when we think back to snowy days of our childhood. Welcome to the here and now – welcome to Kleinwalsertal! These five hiking tips are certain to inspire children and the young at heart.
‘The wild and rugged plateau that lies between Ifen and the Gottesackerwänden (Gottesacker ridge), which is known as the Gottesacker, was in former times a verdant and bountiful alp where cattle would flourish. One day, a beggar stopped here to beg but was turned away with contempt. He cursed the alp. Lo and behold, an earthquake swallowed up the alp, storms and deluges raged and washed away the trees and earth leaving only the bleak rocks behind.’ (During the winter, the rocks and the deep holes in the rock are of course covered in metres of snow.)
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