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Ave Glöggle: Advent hiking & singing

"Ave Glöggle Lüt Guat Nacht – Ubra Berg chond Frieda ond Ruah..." – this lovely Walser song fits perfectly into the festive time of the year. Daniela revives the piece this afternoon: "To warm up your vocal cords, we go on a short hike in advance. Then we go to Küren Inn to refine the piece of Ave Glöggle there. "

- Only in german language -

Currently not available

This adventure is fully booked or takes place in another season of the year.
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December 22nd, 2018
Meeting point
02:00 pm, Bus stop Schröflesäge (Line 5)
approx. 3 hours
min/max participants
3 - 20 people
For all singing enthusiasts to get in the mood for the peaceful atmosphere of the festive season. Everyone can attend - even inexperienced ones are heartly invited. The bigger the choir, the better.
Warme Kleidung und wasserfeste Schuhe für kalte Wintertage
Kondition für eine leichte Wanderung im Schnee
per person
€ 5,-
Bitte bringen Sie die Buchungsbestätigung am Veranstaltungstag mit.

Facilitator: Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen
Operatin partner: Daniela Schwendiger