Skiing in the valley Kleinwalsertal | © Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen | Photographer: Dominik Berchtold Skiing in the valley Kleinwalsertal | © Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen | Photographer: Dominik Berchtold

Ski School Seite-Egg

€ 280
Jetzt buchen

Advanced children (5 to 11 years): (RED)
The next step after the course for slightly advanced skiers.
Prerequisite: safe downhill skiing on blue slopes and independent skiing with the platter lift.
Improvement of turns, parallel ski steering in long and short turns.
Goal: safe downhill skiing on red slopes.

-Only in the german language-

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Starting Point
09:00 am 
Duration Mo. - Fr.
09:30 am - 11:30 am & 01:00 pm - 03:00 pm
Min. Participants
from 4 people
If your desired period is not available, we ask you to contact the ski school Riezlern directly under
Price (excluding ski pass/lift ticket)
€ 280,-

Veranstalter: Skischule Seite-Egg
Vermittler: Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen