Your personal HRV Measurement

€ 189
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Seppi Neuhauser is ice master, sports coach and LifeFire® expert, specialised on: sports and exercise, regeneration.

"LifeFire® fits in with my philosophy of motivating people through activation in their own rhythm and in nature - until they motivate themselves to incorporate the impulses into their daily life."

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This adventure is fully booked or takes place in another season of the year.
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The LifeFire® measurement is also possible before your arrival in Kleinwalsertal. In this case, the LifeFire® recorder will be sent to you. After the measurement is over, send the meter back. Your LifeFire®-expert evaluates the data of your heart rate variability measurement in Kleinwalsertal.
€ 189,-

Book a room in your LifeFire-Hotel in addition to your HRV-measurement
>>> Gästehaus Linder