Ranger in Kleinwalsertal | © Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen | Photographer: Basti Heckl

10 Nov. 2022 · Experience nature consciously | Winter Activities
Vanessa Freytag

The Rangers are on their way in Kleinwalsertal

If you are out and about away from the slopes and on our large network of hiking trails in the future, you are sure to notice one or two interesting new features. In addition to our sub-area information boards, e.g. at the entrances to the side valleys, the new ranger Anna is sure to have some exciting information on “Experience nature consciously” for you.

But first the question: Why do we do all this? the answer is simple.

With theExperience nature consciouslyproject, Kleinwalsertal is committed to nature-friendly tourism. We all know that feeling of freedom and adventure when we are out and about in a snowy winter landscape, taking a breather at the summit cross with a snack, or finally arriving at our favorite alp with our bikes and burning thighs. There is plenty of space for an individual mountain break in Kleinwalsertal. But nature is not just a backdrop for unforgettable mountain experiences and breathtaking photo motifs - it is much more a living space and retreat, providing us with food, drinking water and much more. It is precisely this value of nature that we would like to place at the center of our actions with “Experience nature consciously” and all associated measures.

Information boards in Kleinwalsertal | © Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen | Photographer: Basti Heckl

11 Subspaces and their special features

For the purpose of guiding outdoorfans and guests, Kleinwalsertal has been divided into 11 subspaces. Each of these subspaces is characterized by vegetative and ecological special features. Did you know that the only pair of golden eagles in Kleinwalsertal have their home in Bärgunttal? Or that chamois seek the hiding places they need to survive, especially in the Gemsteltal? For more understanding of the different nature areas and habitats, you will find information boards at some places around the valley, which inform you about the conditions of the respective sub-area. The boards show protected and sanctuary areas, which corridors are open for ascents or descents, and which animals and plants require special consideration.

Especially in winter, it is important for tour planning to know not only the current avalanche and weather situation, but also the protected areas. In addition to the information boards, you can find  the protected and sanctuary areas on tour portals such as Outdooractive* and Alpenvereinaktiv* and printed maps.

The ranger is on her way

Another change you might encounter on your next snowshoe, ski tour or hike is the friendly ranger Anna, who knows the sub-areas inside out. Easily recognizable with her “Natur bewusst erleben” jacket, she is available as a contact person for recreational athletes as well as landowners and managers. She provides information on nature-friendly tour planning, native animal and plant species, the Walser cultural landscape and the code of conduct for nature-friendly hiking. She has been working for “Natur bewusst erleben” since September 2024 and was already a member of the ranger team before that. As she has lived in the valley for 7 years and loves the mountains, just ask her if you have any questions.

* Activate protected areas with just a few clicks:

  1. go to "map" in the Outdooractive (IOS/Android) / Alpenvereinaktiv app (IOS/Android).
  2. click on the button with the three layers in the bottom right corner.
  3. scroll down to the "Additional layers" tab and activate the "Notes & closures" option.
  4. now you see on your map designated protected areas. By zooming in and clicking on the area you will get more information about the respective protected area.

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Easily accessible, at the foot of the Großer Widderstein lies the Bärgunttal south of Baad. From hikers and bikers in summer to ski tourers and winter hikers in winter, sports enthusiasts and people seeking relaxation experience an interplay of cultural and natural landscape.