The "guardians" of nature? Rangers in action for a conscious experience of nature
If you are out and about in Kleinwalsertal's nature, you may have already encountered them. The Natur bewusst erleben rangers are on their way in Kleinwalsertal to provide information about respectful interaction with nature and each other.
It's the winter of 2020/2021. Lockdown. The cable cars in Kleinwalsertal are standing still.
Those who nevertheless didn't want to miss out on winter sports this year had to become their own ascenders. So the snowshoes were taken off the shelf, the skins were stuck on the skis or the cross-country skis were taken out of the cellar. The main thing was to get out into nature and fresh air. Snow was rather scarce in most lower-lying areas in the winter of 2020, and you couldn't cross the border into the rest of Austria. And so many people were drawn to the mountains of the Kleinwalsertal. Very many people.
On some weekends, hardly a slope remained untracked and hardly a peak unclimbed. "Many people had a great need to find recreation in nature during the pandemic. This was felt in Kleinwalsertal by the increasing number of winter sports enthusiasts," reports Natur bewusst erleben-ranger Daniel Riedel.
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