The Breitachklamm is located between the Kleinwalsertal and Tiefenbach. Walserbus line 1 - Walserschanze stop.
The Brother Klaus chapel is located in Hirschegg, district Wäldele.
Eye optics & hearing aids in Oberstdorf im Allgäu.
The toboggan slope - approx. 60m - is located in the district of Hirschegg Wäldele. Bus stop Haus Sonnblick - line 3. Refreshments: Alpenhotel Das Küren, Café für Dich - at the Naturzeithof.
Start: Bödmen, length approx. 150 m;Walserbus line 1 - stop Gemse
Start: Mittelberg Ahorn / Unterahorn, length approx. 150mWalserbus line 1 - stop Tobel
Free travel with your guest card Kleiwalsertal between Walserschanz and Baad.
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