BEING on the way between word and valley
"Wandering between word and valley" was the slogan of the first Festival of Literature, which brought me as an author to Kleinwalsertal in 2017, to special reading moments in the nostalgic atmosphere of an oldie bus. Now the third edition of the festival is about to start, which this time I am experiencing from the perspective of a copywriter. The slogan has remained, accompanying the Festival of Literature from "opening up" to "transcending" to the here and now. In connection with this year's motto "being," it even deliberately comes into focus. Because the upcoming Festival of Literature is dedicated to BEING on the move: walking, moving through nature, you can explore a varied program of literature, art and music.
At the beginning of every hike is good preparation. The sports or hiking shoes are ready, the anticipation and curiosity to experience literature and nature packed into a light backpack. The only thing missing is the compilation of your personal route between word and valley and through the diverse program. In order to make this easier for you, I am pleased to give you a preview of the special waypoints of this year's Festival of Literature Kleinwalsertal.
Listen to the "song of the gardens" at the herb farm.
Or you can always follow the smell of fresh herbs to the Alchemilla Montana farm of the herbalist Lydia Fritz. There Antonie Schneider reads her HILLEL - Song of the Gardens, a poem in which you learn about loss, lust, being driven away and longing. With a view of the blooming garden, Frauke Kühn will talk with the West Allgäu author after the reading about her projects, in which she repeatedly seeks connections to other art forms.
About the demolished soul of a hotel heiress
In front of the panoramic view of the library of Hotel Das Küren, in turn, Verena Roßbacher's reading from her novel Mon Cheri and our demolished souls transports us to a dusty hotel in Bad Gastein. Witty, quick-witted & disoriented - that's how the main character Charly walks through life and with him the big questions of being are explored: Birth, death & the meaning of life.
The novel by Verena Roßbacher was awarded the Austrian Book Prize in 2022.
This blog article was written by Sarah Rinderer
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